Home Health 20 Easy Home Remedies to Stop Nose Bleeding in Children and Adults...

20 Easy Home Remedies to Stop Nose Bleeding in Children and Adults fast

Home Remedies to Stop Nose Bleeding

Besides being highly inconvenient and messy, nosebleeds can also prove dangerous and frightening (especially in case of children or some primary illness with adults). Though they are not seriously damaging and, in most cases, can be handled easily, nosebleeds should not be taken lightly either.

There are two types of nosebleeds, depending on where the bleeding occurs from:

Anterior: More than 90% of the times, this is the type of nosebleeds that people encounter. Bleeding from nose in this type of nosebleed occurs from the front region, and thus is easier to control.

Posterior: This type of nose bleeding is less common and occurs mostly amongst the elderly. The bleeding occurs at an artery from the back of the nose. Posterior nosebleeds usually require an immediate visit to the doctor or sometimes even hospitalization.

Read on to find out more about nosebleeds and the home remedies you can use to get rid of or prevent nosebleeds in a fast and natural way.

What causes nose bleeds in children and adults?

In adults:

  • Trauma caused by injury or a blow to the nose
  • Blood clotting
  • Underlying health conditions (including high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart condition, liver disease and prolonged alcohol consumption)
  • Allergies or high fever
  • Medication (some medicines result in thinning of the blood)
  • Sinusitis
  • High altitudes
  • Chronic and excessive use of nasal decongestants
  • Nasal surgery
  • Nose picking or excessive scratching

In children:

  • The primary cause is dry air
  • Heated indoor air, which causes irritation inside the nose
  • Scratching or picking of the nose
  • Repeated nose blowing at the time of common cold
  • Unforeseen altitude change


Nosebleeds tend to occur from one nostril. Excessive bleeding can, however, lead to an overflow of blood into the other nostril as well. In order to be able to successfully prevent nosebleeds, you must first be aware of all the symptoms of nosebleeds so that you know exactly when you need to visit your doctor and start treatment. Give a call to your doctor when:

  • You have repeated nosebleeds
  • Bleeding from other places, such as in stool and urine
  • If you bleed easily
  • If you are bleeding after pinching the nose for minutes
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Swelling of nose and cheeks
  • High fever
  • Nasal deformity
  • Difficulty in hearing
  • You can see brown-red spots on the handkerchief or tissue after you clean your nose
  • Liquid sensation at the presence of the back of throat and nose
  • Though rare, excessive blood loss can cause dizziness, fainting and vomiting
  • Irritation after the nosebleed has stopped

Home Remedies

Here is a list of a few home remedies to help you get rid of nosebleeds in a natural and fast way:

Pinch your nose: The easiest and most common home remedy to get rid of nosebleed is by pinching your nose. By pinching your nose, pressure is applied to the nasal area on the bleeding point, thereby stopping the bleeding immediately.

Follow the given steps to stop nosebleeds by pinching your nose:

  • Sit up straight
  • Slightly tilt your head forward
  • With the index finger and thumb, pinch your nose right under the bony part (bridge) of the nose, on the soft part
  • Repeat for a few minutes (5-10 minutes)
  • Breathe from nose while you do this
  • After 10 minutes, slowly let go of the pressure gently
  • Sit quietly for a few minutes
  • Repeat till the bleeding stops

Use Cold Compress: This is one of the easiest and fast working home remedies for getting rid of nosebleeds. By using a cold compress, the blood flow will slow down—blood vessels constrict due to cold temperature. The way to do this is:

  • Wrap some ice cubes in a towel or a hanky
  • Sit upright with your head tilted forward
  • Place the ice-pack on the bridge of your nose for some minutes
  • Continue this for 5-10 minutes
  • Repeat suitably

Use Onion: Onion can act as a clotting agent, with its natural fumes helping to stop the blood. This is thus considered one of the most effective home remedies for getting rid of nosebleeds. Use the following steps for maximum effects:

  • Take one onion and cut it into thick slices
  • Press one slice under your nose
  • Inhale the fumes for a few minutes
  • You can also put a couple of drops of onion juice in each nostril to stop the nosebleed
  • Repeat the process as necessary

Saline Water: Noses are most prone to bleeding during winters. To avoid dryness and moisture your nose, apply saline water to the irritated nasal membranes. Follow the given steps for maximum effects:

  • Take a cup and fill half of it with water
  • Add some salt
  • Stir well
  • Apply the mixture in drops to your nasal membranes
  • Saline spray available for nosebleeds is also a fast acting remedy

Apple Cider Vinegar: Take a small cotton ball and follow the given steps:

  • Soak the cotton ball in apple cider vinegar
  • Place it on the nostril for 10 minutes
  • You can drink a glass of warm water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (raw) mixed in it every day to reduce frequent nosebleeds

Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne, being a cell stimulant, regulates blood flow. You can remove pressure from your nose and get a quick coagulation by following these steps:

  • Take 1 tablespoon of cayenne powder.
  • Add some warm water and drink a glass of this mixture on a daily basis.
  • Another method is to take cayenne capsules thrice a day, or use cayenne pepper in your food to reduce nosebleeds.

Coriander: This is a highly recommended home remedy for getting rid of nosebleeds. The cooling nature of coriander juice will, when applied to the inside of your nose, help stop nosebleeds. Apply a paste of coriander leaves on your forehead daily to soothe your muscles and ward off nasal allergies.

Nettle: The astringent properties of nettle promote clotting and help treat allergies naturally. Follow the given steps for maximum benefits:

  • Get a power of dry nettle leaves
  • Inhale or add a few drops of nettle juice in each nostril
  • Consume nettle tea regularly

Steam: Take one liter of boiled water in a bowl. Put your face right above the bowl and inhale the steam. Hold in one position for 5-10 minutes. Repeat with regular intervals.

Nasya Oil: Prepared by combining selected herbs, nasya oil is a safe and effective remedy without any side-effects. Dip a bottle of nasya oil in hot water and add a few drops into each nostril. Once this is done, massage your nose slowly from the outside for a couple of minutes and notice the soothing and healing effect immediately.

Holy Basil: Tulsi or holy basil helps repair damaged blood vessels. Chew a few basil leaves daily or extract the juice and add to each nostril to avoid nosebleeds.

Goldenseal: Add a teaspoon of goldenseal in hot water and inhale the fumes. Goldenseal helps repair damaged blood vessels.

Lemon Juice: The acid content in lemon helps reduce nosebleeds. Follow the given steps to stop nosebleeds:

  • Tilt your head back
  • Gently add a few drops of lemon juice into each nostril

Petroleum Jelly: This helps soothe irritated and dry nasal passage. Take some jelly in your fingers and smear on your nostrils several times during the day to avoid nosebleeds.

In the case of nosebleeds in children, try and stop the child from crying. Crying only helps the blood flow faster out of the nostril. This might result in excessive blood loss. Talk to your child smoothly to remove any fear till the bleeding stops.

Orange Juice: The high amount of Vitamin C present in orange provides moisture lining in your nose. Drink a glass of orange juice daily to stop nosebleeds.

Leafy vegetables: Consuming dark green leafy vegetables helps avoid nosebleeds. Vitamin K helps stop the blood clot.

Vitamin E: Apply Vitamin E to your nose several times during the course of the day to avoid dryness in the nasal passage. Simply break open a capsule and apply gently to the inside of your nose

Indian gooseberry: Rich in Vitamin C and natural oxidants, Indian gooseberry, when applied in liquid form, will help stop nosebleed in children. It repairs tissue damage and cures flu conditions.

Rest quietly. Rest is the best remedy of all. Relax your muscles and sleep to reduce the chances of anxiety and high blood pressure.


Here is a list of precautions you must follow to avoid nosebleeds:

  • Use a humidifier to avoid dryness in the air.
  • Do not blow your nose after your nose stops bleeding.
  • Do not tilt your head back during nosebleed.
  • Do not lie on your back while blood is coming out of your nose.
  • Do not put your head between your legs while your nose is bleeding.
  • Do not apply ice to your nose after your nose stops bleeding.
  • Avoid picking your nose vigorously.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoke causes dryness in the nasal cavity.
  • Avoid dehydration.
  • Avoid excessive aspirin intake.