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Write for Us

guest post

We welcome guest posts contributions on welllivingideas.com. If you would like to write for us, read on…

Writing Guidelines:

• Every topic we write has to be of interest to our readers and provide some direct value.
• Posts must be original/high quality, not duplicated or spin content. That means your post has not been published or submitted elsewhere online.
• We accept articles which are having words minimum of 800 and above.
• Article content should be related to Quick how-to posts (Household), Healthcare, Medical care, Home Remedies, Diet, Home and Garden, Pest Control, and Pet Care related.
• Should have Good headings and subheadings.
• We may charge for guest posts as a handling fee. We allow only a single dofollow link in one guest post. For any queries related to above, kindly email us welllivingideas@gmail.com

Note. We retain the copyright of every post published on our sites. If approved, you cannot republish your work elsewhere.