Home Health 12 Proven Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching, Burning, and Irritation

12 Proven Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching, Burning, and Irritation

Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching, Burning, and Irritation

We do our best to stay healthy and fit. We always try to get the best out of every day and this is possible only with good health. However, due to time constraints and unforeseen circumstances, we experience illnesses and other health concerns that take a toll on our lives. Even a common cold or a headache, for example, can ruin our day.

Men and women have alwaysrelied on remedies to take care of their health at home. However, there are certain type of ailments that are rather unsavory and are often hard to understand or to get rid of. One such ailment that is particular to women is vaginal itching, burning and irritation.

Such a discomforting ailment would obviously requires a serious attention. Nobody would want to live with a vaginal itch! The infection can cause problems in a woman’s everyday life and can make the sufferer very uncomfortable, all day long. Therefore, before we try to understand how to get rid of a problem like this, it is advisable to learn more about the causes and symptoms of vaginal itching.

What Are the Main Causes of Vaginal Itching?

There are various reasons because of which women can face this problem. This can be due to an infection in the vagina or not having good personal hygiene. Vaginal itching can occur even during pregnancy, due to the many hormonal changes in women. These changes usually cause an increase in blood circulation around the vagina and that could be the cause of itching. A few others reasons could be – sexually transmitted diseases (STD), a weak immune system, periods, bacteria or yeast infection and excessive stress.

Yeast exists in the vagina but doesn’t normally cause any infection. It comes under the “good bacteria” category. If this is truly the case, then the question arises‘can yeast present in the vagina cause itching and burning?’ Although yeast is a naturally occurring substance in the vagina. When the pre-existing bacteria count in vagina becomes excessive, there is a risk of vaginal itching.

An infection of the vagina and vulva is called vulvovaginitis. The most common symptom found in women who are be suffering with vulvovaginitis is genital itch – that is vaginal and vulvar itch. Foul smelling discharge from the vagina and uneasiness while urinating are among the other symptoms.

Now that we’ve understood what causes vaginal itching and its symptoms, we need to know how to stop vaginal itch. There are many natural remedies to help soothe the vaginal itch.

Here are the best home remedies you can consider.

Use Garlic Solutions to Get Rid of Vaginal Itches

Garlic has strong antibacterial and anti-oxidant traits, which are known to help in removing strong odor and swelling. If there is a problem resulting from an infection, this herb will get the job done. In fact, doctors use it to boost the immune system of a patient. Being antibacterial means it works toward reducing the chances of bacterial build up.

An effective way of using garlic is by placing some amount in water. This basically dilutes the effect of the anti-infection agents in garlic, so it doesn’t affect the tender skin around the vagina. The first thing to do is to put a handful of garlic in boiling water and let it simmer for around 10 min. After that, you would need to strain the water and then use it to rise the vagina. This goes a long way in relaxing the itch. The garlic left after straining can be made into a paste. This paste needs to be applied on and around the vagina and left for 20-30 minutes. Once this is done, rinse and dry.

Use Virgin Coconut Oil for Quick Comfort

As opposed to normal coconut oil, virgin coconut oil is highly recommended. It has all the required properties to soothe itching. Because it’s antimicrobial it is more effective than many medicines. Its antibacterial qualities ensure that coconut oil works to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. It is also known to constrain the spread of harmful bacteria that lead to vaginal itch. It also is a natural skin-nourishing agent.

If you’re wondering as to how to relieve vaginal itch using coconut oil, a good way is to use a tampon. Soak a tampon in liquid virgin coconut oil and insert it into your vagina for a duration of about 8 hours to help soothe the itch. Works best if used daily.

Remove The Distress With A Cold Compress

To get rid of the vaginal itch and any possible swelling, something as simple as a cold compress can work wonders. The cold works on the swelling and the itch while simultaneously increasing blood flow. The increased blood flow helps prevent infection. The best part about a cold compress is that the result is almost instant. It gives an almost instant relief and this is something we all look forward to, in times of distress and discomfort.

An easy way to use a cold compress is by taking ice cubes and wrapping them in a clean cloth. Place the cloth on the vagina for about two minutes and place it again after ten more minutes. This should give enough time for the cold treatment to take effect. This is a great treatment to help stop vaginal itching.

Yogurt Exerts Its Cure On Vaginal Itch

It’s true, time and time again, yogurt has proven to help women with this particular problem. Probiotics are often used to cure the feminine itch due to their high antibacterial properties. Bacteria such as lactobacillus present in yogurt make it probiotic. These good bacteria firstly, help reduce any harmful release from the vagina and also reduce itching and burning. Yogurt also decreases the number of harmful bacteria and soothes the skin around the vagina. Reduction of harmful bacteria means a lesser chance of another recurrence.

People prefer to use genuine Greek yogurt or sweetened yogurt to help overcome itching. You can use the yogurt by applying it around the vagina directly or you can also apply it using a tampon. Keep a tampon dipped in yogurt in your vagina for about 10 min, then rinse and dry. Drying the area is extremely important and a wet vagina can lead to further infections. You don’t want that.

Not sure what to administer? Get some apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar or ACV is very well known for its ability to help treat skin ailments. Due to its highly antibacterial nature it is a great remedy for vaginal itching. Make sure you’re using unprocessed apple cider vinegar. It is also used to cure candida because it removes yeast infections.

In addition to this, its acidic nature helps to reduce pH levels in the vulva. Reduction of the pH levels has a direct relation to avoiding itching. The best way to use apple cider vinegar is by adding 2 tablespoons of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar to 1 glass of lukewarm water. Stir the mixture and make sure it is dissolved. After it is dissolved, use it to wash the vagina whenever you experience itching. Remember, keep the area clean and dry.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a very effective tool in killing bacteria. Its chemical properties make it a powerful ally in this war against vaginal itching. Its antibacterial nature allows it to fight bacteria and keep the vagina clean in general. Tea tree oil is very strong and as such direct contact with the vagina can cause problems. Therefore, because it is so strong, make sure to dilute it with another oil before use. It is a highly recommended oil to help remove yeast infection like candida.

You can apply it with cotton directly on and around your vagina. You can dilute it by adding it to water and rinsing the area to help remove the itching.


Salt is a great antibacterial agent and helps with itching. Salt essentially extracts water from the cells thus killing bacteria and fungus. Osmosis works wonders for a vagina suffering from infection. Killing bacteria is great, as bad bacteria are the main causes of vaginal itching. Salt’s natural anti-irritation properties make it a great fix for irritation in the vagina.

A solution of a tablespoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water works really well for relief and is a great vaginal irritation home remedy. Also, mixing salt in the bathtub and taking bath is also a great way to cure the itch.

Boric Acid

Boric acid is often used as a cure for candidiasis or vulvovaginal candidiasis (candida). Used around the home for various reasons, boric acid is a safe bet. Its antibacterial properties make it very handy for treating vaginal itch. It works well for removing fungal infections and has often times provento be more effective than some anti-fungal medicines.

Remember, however, that boric acid is toxic and hence should not be overused. Over use of this acid can have negative effects on your health. Don’t use it on cracked skin. If you are pregnant, avoid it at all costs. Take boric acid with water to dilute its effects. Boric acid suppositories can be used directly on the vagina to help reduce itching.

Hydrogen Peroxide

As a natural antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide can help you get rid of any yeast or bacterial infections. The suggestion is to use food grade hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide helps to remove infections and also works toward keeping the vagina clean. A clean vagina will not accommodate harmful bacteria.

You will need to dilute it before you can use it. The diluted solution. i.e. (water and 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide), should be applied directly to the vagina. However, use it for about four to five days and not more.


Probiotics actually help to maintain a healthy vagina by enhancing the production of good bacteria. However, probiotics do not provide fast relief to vaginal itch. But it is noteworthy that, although they don’t work fast, they work in a way that ensures the infections don’t occur again.

Helping to maintain the appropriate number of healthy bacteria in the vagina, they work toward preventing itching and irritation. Probiotic supplements help treat yeast infections and also help prevent foul odor from the vagina.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is highly anti-fungal and is a great option to cure vaginal itch. Its antibacterial properties help prevent buildup of harmful bacteria in the vagina. It works well as a soothing agent and also helps reduce swelling.

The best way to use aloe vera is directly from a baby aloe vera leaf. Cut the leaf open and mix the gel with a cup of lukewarm water. You can then apply this solution to wash the vagina. This helps prevent bacterial growth.

Neem (Indian Lilac)

Indian Lilac or Neem is widely known for its antiseptic properties. Due to these properties, it works great against yeast infection. Indian Lilac is antibacterial. This trait is very important as it first cleans the vagina of harmful bacteria and further helps in preventing harmful bacteria from buildup in the vagina. When there is no buildup of harmful bacteria, there is no itching.

A good way to use Indian lilac is to make a paste out of it. You can do this by taking the neem leaves or Margosa and putting them in a cup of boiling water. After letting it simmer for about five to six minutes, make a paste of the solution. This paste must be applied on the vagina, and cleaned and dried after fifteen to twenty minutes.

Vaginal itching or infection is not something to ignore. It is a symptom that could easily be an indication of bad intimate hygiene practices. Any itch needs to be treated with care and caution, and vaginal itches are no different. The vagina is a delicate organ of the female body, and can get infected easily if not taken care of properly. Keeping the area clean and dry is of utmost importance.

Is it safe to use products like douches?

Try not using products like douches that claim to clean the vagina. Although this may be true, it is said that a douche, although cleaning the vagina, also removes the good bacteria along with the bad ones. This alone could be a cause of recurring vaginal itching.

Do sexual lubricants cause vaginal itching?

Using lubricants during sex is also one of the causes of vaginal itching. Lubricants need to be chosen carefully. Even tea tree oil when used as a lubricant can cause problems. If you have to use lubricants, make sure you read reviews, and take the advice of a trusted registered nurse or doctor.

Talking of doctors,it is important to know when to go visit one. If the infection persists despite trying the above-mentioned remedies, then it is time you visited the doctor. It is not good for you to keep trying new methods of treatment if they aren’t getting you any results. To avoid further complications, you can visit the doctor for help.