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15 Easy Home Remedies to Get Rid of Blood Blisters in the Mouth

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Blood Blisters in the Mouth

Blood blisters occur when the blood vessels underlying the skin’s surface are damaged, usually due to pressure and friction. When this happens, the vessels in the dermis can move up to the epidermis. This can be especially painful in the mouth, where the skin is soft and regularly exposed to a wide range of protrusions and substances.

What Causes Blood Blisters in Your Mouth?

Blood blisters can occur anywhere- in the cheek, on the roof of the mouth, on your tongue. The usual causes are –

• Injuries caused by accidental bites while chewing or talking

• Calcium propionate is an anti-mould preservative especially found in bread that has caused blood blisters in many

• Canker sores and cold sores

Angina Bullosa Haemorrhagia

• Low blood platelet count

• Allergies, especially due to citric acid, Ibuprofen and antibiotics

• Behcet’s Syndrome

• Alcohol

• Deficiency of vitamins like Vitamin C, linoleic acid and Vitamin B12

• Inflammation of the gut

How to treat Blood Blisters?

Here are some methods to get rid of those scary looking blood blisters with the help of kitchen ingredients.

1.  Decrease pressure and friction in the area

While this doesn’t involve your kitchen ingredients, this is the essential first step. Try to keep the food away from your mouth blood blister while chewing as many of its components can infect it. You may need to avoid things like cigarettes, alcohol and salty and spicy items. And tempting though it may be, do NOT rub your tongue against the blister or nibble at it.

2. Water

Water serves many functions like absorbing a lot of heat (it has the highest specific heat) and cleansing. It is the easiest ingredient you can use the most comfortably to get rid of those blood blisters and even decrease their appearance. Drink as much water as you can. The moisture also prevents sudden tears or bursts.

3. Ice 

Ice is always very good in a large number of blood related issues, and a blood blister is no exception. The cold constricts the blood vessels and brings down temperatures, thereby reducing swelling and providing comfort. It also stops internal bleeding.

Before applying the ice over the blister, take care to wrap it with a towel or some thick cloth to avoid your skin going numb. Hold the wrapped ice cube against your blister for ten minutes, or as long as you can bear it. Keep on applying it after short intervals till you feel comfortable, or till the ice cube melts.

4. Aloe

The sap of aloe vera is a very good healer and acts as a mild analgesic. It also protects against infection with its antibacterial and antiviral properties, because of which it has long been used as a therapeutic agent in beauty regimes.

Using this is very simple. Just cut out a leaf from the plant and split it open to bring out the globules in a small container. Crush them to extract the juice. Apply it over the blister for fast relief. To make it more effective, you can add some Vitamin E oil to an equal amount of the aloe vera gel. Apply it on the blister. Let it dry by keeping your mouth open.

5. Cucumber

Cucumber contains silica which is a trace mineral required by the body to help strengthen connective tissues. This makes it a very good healing agent, as does its analgesic, anti-inflammation and soothing properties. Cucumber from the refrigerator is cool enough to act as a good substituent of ice, in case you find the latter painful.

You can use cucumber in many ways to treat your blood blister. Hold a slice of chilled cucumber against the blister in the mouth. For added benefits, suck on the slice. Consuming cucumber too can help to heal the blister from the inside.

6. Sandalwood

This is one of the most famous and popular beauty ingredients, and rightly so. Not only does it have an amazing smell, but it also has so many beneficial properties that listing them would mean running out of space. As for treating blood blisters, sandalwood very quickly absorbs the heat from the area and also reduces pain and inflammation.

All you need to do is to prepare a thick paste by mixing sandalwood powder with a suitable amount of rose water. Apply it over the blister and let it dry for some time by keeping your mouth open. Once you notice a slight pull on your skin, rinse with cold water. Repeat this several times daily till you notice improvement.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric is another popular and ancient savior. In addition to a multitude of uses, it is very good at healing skin damages caused by the sun, and blood blisters. It is also a famous antiseptic.
Prepare a paste by adding the optimum amount of rosewater or honey to a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply this gently over the affected areas, and wash it off with cold water once it is dry. Do this twice or thrice every day.

Having a tablespoon of turmeric powder in your daily glass of warm milk before turning in for the night also helps in healing blood blisters from within.

8. Witch Hazel

The astringent tannins present in witch hazel make it an awesome analgesic and anti-inflammation ingredient. It also helps in fast drying of blisters. To use witch hazel against them, dab a little of the extract on the blister with the help of cotton balls and let it dry. Do this at least four times daily for a week or two to get the best results. Getting hold of witch hazel is very easy, as it is usually available over the counter for treating minor skin irritations.

9. Epsom Salt

This is a naturally occurring compound of sulfate and magnesium, and the former brings about reverse osmosis, thus making it great at getting rid of harmful toxins of the skin. Epsom salt is also good at reducing inflammation. To use this to treat blood blisters, mix it with warm water to make a paste. Apply it on the affected area and let it remain for 10 or 15 minutes before rinsing. Do this twice or thrice daily.

You can also use Epsom salt to treat blood blisters on your fingers or toes. Just pour half a cup of it on the warm water and soak your hand or feet in it as long as you feel comfortable, or till the water runs cold.

10. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil (Melaleucaalternifola) comes with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties which make it good antiseptic as well as a good healing agent. Dilute a little amount of tea tree oil with warm water before applying it on the blister. Keep your mouth open and let it remain for 10 minutes before washing it off with cold water. If this is a bit tedious for you, use some ointments, soaps or similar things containing this ingredient.

However, do NOT use this if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, ALWAYS dilute it before using to avoid tummy complications

11. Garlic Oil

Garlic oil, like Epsom salt, contains sulphur and thus is a good antitoxin. The sulfur compound allicin contributes to many of its therapeutic properties. The large amounts of Vitamin C and selenium make it good for healing of the skin. To make garlic ready for your mouth, put five or six cloves of garlic in a cup of olive oil and heat it for 5 to 10 minutes. Once the temperature is suitable for your skin, apply it on the affected area with the help of cotton balls. Keep your mouth open till the oil penetrates deep into your skin. Wash it off with cold water and repeat this a few times a day.

At the same time, remember that garlic oil may be allergic to the skin wall of your mouth, causing irritation or redness. In that case, stop immediately.

12. Tea Bags

The flavinoids present in green tea or black tea make them very good anti-inflammatory agents. Also, they have properties of skin protection, helping them prevent deterioration of the blisters.
Instead of throwing away the tea bags after your tea, keep them in the refrigerator for at least half an hour before putting it on your blister. Keep it there for a few minutes and do this at least twice daily for a week or two.

13. Chamomile Tea

The astringent, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of chamomile make it great at healing wounds. Roman chamomile has long been used as a cosmetic ingredient owing to its soothing and softening qualities. It is also very effective against skin irritations, wounds, and bruises, burns and blood blisters. In a teapot, add 2-3 teaspoons of dried chamomile and a cup of hot water. Let it steep for around 5 minutes. Now, you can use a cotton ball to apply the preparation over the blood blister. Another way you can use this is by applying a mixture of 5 drops of chamomile essential oil and a tablespoon of olive oil over the blister.

14. Mouthwash

Washing your blood blister with mouthwash is a good way to decrease their size and start their drying process. In case your blood blister breaks, you can apply a little mouthwash with antiseptic properties over the wound. This is also helpful in stopping the bad blood from spreading and causing further infection due to bacterial or fungal attacks.

15. Hydrogen peroxide

Mix a tablespoon each of food grade hydrogen peroxide and water. Apply it directly on top of the blisters with the help of cotton balls. This heals small blood blisters in the mouth very quickly. Remember that blood blisters can be as ugly as they look and cause severe infections if neglected. It is always advisable to consult your doctor when you sprout one.